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Evaluation of Common Reed Shredding Parameters


Kronbergs, A., Kronbergs, E., Rozinskis, R.


Paper Paper


Latvia has target in 2020 for renewable energy resources to be 40% in gross final consumption of energy. Common reeds (Phragmites Australis), as a natural energy crop material, in Latvia can be found in wetlands and on the shores of rivers, lakes and Baltic Sea. Mainly they are situated on shorelines of Latvian lakes. Most of these lakes are eutrophic and common reed stands often has invaded areas there. Therefore common reed usage for energy production is lake restorations activity. The main conditioning operation before preparation of reed biomass for solid biofuel production is shredding. Naturally this biomass is a material of low density ˜ 60 kg m-3 and not favorable for transportation on long distances. The purpose of the work is to investigate common reed cutting energy consumption in hummer mill and bulk density dependence on particle size after grinding. In cutting experiments were used previously shredded common reeds bundles with moisture content 10% and stalk wall material density 615 kg m-3, particle length was within 10 – 40 mm. For milling were used hammer mill Peruzzo Export 200 which was equipped with 15 kW electric motor. Hammer mill was equipped with eight different screens with mesh size within 1 – 20 mm. Equipment for the instantaneous power measurement of the electric motor was connected to a current transformer and to the Pico data logger. All data from Pico data logger were processed by Microsoft Excel program. Bulk density of cut material was determined according to standard DD CEN/TS 15103:2005. Particle size distribution in dependence on hammer mill screen mesh size was stated. Particle size distribution is used for theoretical cutting energy calculation. Experimental data shows that bulk density for common reeds can be increased up to 282 kg m-3 if hammer mill screen with mesh 1 mm is used. Bulk density value increases significantly if screen mesh size is less than 10 mm.


energy crops, common reed, cutting


R&D on Processes for Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Fuels from Biomass


Production and supply of solid biofuels


20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition




1717 - 1721



Paper DOI:

