EUBCE Publications opportunities
David Baxter
Former European Commission JRC
EUBCE offers a number of opportunities for publication of articles related to biomass research and utilisation based on presentations given at the annual EUBCE conferences. These articles can be based on scientific research, industrial application, political policy developments and many other aspects of biomass utilisation in the continually expanding field of technology developments and applications designed to mitigate climate change.
From all presentations at the conference, both oral and poster, there is an opportunity to present a paper in the official proceedings of the conference. Over many years the proceedings were published in paper form, however over roughly the last decade moves have been taken to provide all the submitted papers in electronic form, first on CD and nowadays online where they are Open Access and therefore always easily accessible. Moreover, all published papers now receive unique identifiers (doi, a digital object identifier) and have been indexed in Scopus since 2016 allowing users to readily trace links between published articles.
A small number of papers are selected by the Scientific and Industrial Committees to be included in a special volume of the journal Biomass and Bioenergy (published by Elsevier; Impact Factor 5.061). Following peer review approximately twenty papers are published annually in the EUBCE dedicated volume of this high-level journal. Papers selected are from all parts of the conference programme so that the eventual special volume covers the full breadth of EUBCE.
Papers can be freely submitted to a special issue of the Energies journal (published by MDPI; Impact Factor 3.085) by EUBCE presenters. These papers are normally significantly extended versions of the shorter counterparts included in the EUBCE proceedings. Peer review is carried out, and following approval, papers are published with full Open Access online almost immediately.
The conference organisers also manage the publication, BE Sustainable: A Magazine of Biomass and the Bioeconomy, which features a wide range of articles covering the breadth of the EUBCE conference and usually with emphasis on industrial applications and utilisation of biomass in existing and emerging markets. The thought-provoking articles in BE Sustainable are written by experts from across the many fields of application of biomass and provide an added dimension to understanding the complexities of biomass applications and impacts as the world moves towards net zero emissions in the fight against climate change.

Have you submitted an abstract yet?
If no, why not?!
(If yes, thank you! And, we are very excited to read it later this month!)
Did you know that abstracts and/or full-papers accepted for a plenary, oral, or visual presentation at EUBCE 2022 are also automatically:
Considered for additional exposure in prominent journals, publications, and magazines (including Biomass & Bioenergy; MDPI; Be-Sustainable; and more);
Published on the EUBCE proceedings website (which as +270000 views since 2013);
Qualifiers for a number of awards bestowed during the conference (such as a student award); and
Given a digital identifier (DOI code), giving them unequivocal and permanent citability!
Catalyze conversations.
Instigate innovation.
Mobilize markets.