Nomination for the 2024 Johannes Linneborn Prize

To be eligible for the award, the nominee must have scientific, technical or managerial merit in the development of biomass, attained over a long period of continuous achievements.

Nominations are due to the Linneborn Prize Chair using the following on-line nomination form by 15 March 2024.

Every nomination should be accompanied by a page containing an explanation why the person who nominates someone believes that he/she deserves to get the award.

Please accept the following basic rules:

  • A person may not nominate him/herself. A person may not nominate someone from his/her organisation but always someone from another organisation.
  • Members of the Linneborn Prize Committee cannot be nominated.
Please attach to the nomination form a list of technical and scientific publications and/or achievements in the area of biomass and a curriculum vitae of the nominee.

Fields marked with a * are mandatory.

You will receive a copy of the submitted nomination form by e-mail.

Thank you in advance for your kind collaboration!


Your Name
*First Name
*Last/Given Name
Your Present Position*
(Please Enter Exact Job Title)
Your Company / Institute*
Your Address*
Your Phone*
Your Email*

Nominee Name
*First Name
*Last/Given Name
Present Position*
(Please Enter Exact Job Title)
Company / Institute*

SUPPORTING FILES (please avoid white spaces, apostrophes or quotes in the filenames)
*List of Nominee's Key Activities in the Field
(please attach either a PDF or DOC - Max size 1,5 Mb)
Nominee's Current Curriculum Vitae
(please attach either a PDF or DOC - Max size 1,5 Mb)
(please attach either a JPG, TIFF, or PNG file - Max size 1,5 Mb)


*Proposed citation (not more than 40 carefully edited words that reflect specific achievements):


*Summarize the nominee's contributions to the advancement of the Biomass field (less than 150 words):


I represent that the foregoing information is complete and truthful.



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